How to deal with non-tipping passengers, here's ONE way.

Please don't make a bunch of false reports

i count never lie or make a false report


if you dont tip me, then something i would normally not complain about (such as a pax using the word "nigger") will get reported

I will simply report, to lyft, that the pax repeatedly used the word "nigger"

Lyft, to protect itself, will classify that as hate speech, and will most likely ban a pax from the platform, who has a report of using hate speech.

Anyway the solution is simple, if a pax doesn't want to be reported

1.) make sure you tip your driver (if you do that, you won't get reported)


2.) if you refuse to tip, then just dont say the word "nigger" out loud when you are in my car.

I mean, both are pretty common sense things to do. Decent people tip their drivers, and decent people dont say the word "nigger" outlaid in front of strangers.

But hey... the best solution is just to tip your driver well. Do that, and I will never report you, no matter what words you say.

/r/Lyft Thread Parent