How to deal with regret?

I did lots of things that were considered adventurous, or stupid depending on your outlook. I restarted my life many times, changed careers, travelled, spent my life savings, spoke out about injustices and got shot down, took risks that paid off and some that didn't.

Many of the things I don't regret but would probably do differently now, but on the whole I have had and still have a great life, with great memories.

Some of the things I have done was because of listening to people who I respect, but now I realise that even if they speak from experience and knowledge, they may have a totally different world view and their version of success doesn't match mine.

I'm probably not successful in many people's view, because i am not materially rich but I don't feel like a lesser person. I have worked hard but banked experiences instead of money.

I have my own house, a car and a dog, which makes me content.

I have empathy, I help others and I'm satisfied that if I died tomorrow I had a full life. Not the fullest, not the greatest, but good.

/r/AskOldPeople Thread