How did you figure out that you're trans?

For the last 10 years of my life I secretly enjoyed crossdressing after dark. There were a few close calls where I thought people had figured it out, but I figured either people knew and were being polite or they didn't know and in either case, I wouldn't bring it up if they didn't. Six months ago I found a meme about Sylvion on Pintrest which led me down a rabbit-hole of trans meme, most of which I related to. Two months later I find trans meme compilations by Bowsette, related to most of them, and started piecing things together. Then a week later I completely voided the question from my mind and drowned myself in schoolwork in order to stop me from thinking. When quarantine started I found myself with far more time and far less of a workload from school. This meant I finally had enough time to seriously consider what I wanted. The day I sat down and figured it all out I had a panic attack and spent everything I had mentally from showing it to my family. The day after I had another one, and the day after that I had a third. This kept happening so I told my sister what was up. She freaked out and got super self-conscious about revealing my secret to the grups, so I told them to keep her from going through what I went through. Luckily, they were accepting.

After I came out I got really confused as to whether or not I was *actually trans tm* but I figured out pretty quickly how complicated a question that can turn into. Ultimately I stopped caring whether I was *trans enough* to be trans and just focused on what I wanted which, as it turned out, was to medically and socially transition.

/r/TransyTalk Thread