How did you improve yourself after getting dumped?

I reconnected with old friends I really loved and appreciated, but neglected because my main focus for many years had been my relationship. I didn't neglect those relationships on purpose, it just progressively happened. So I apologized and made amends and was pleasantly surprised to find out that my apology made my friends reflect on their past actions and realize they'd also been focusing on the wrong things... So long story short we're all now either doing therapy, meditation, moving to different cities, going NC with people who served no purpose in our lives, etc. It's like we're all collectively working on ourselves.

I've also started focusing a lot more on my work and personal projects. Being single means I have all the time and freedom to do whatever I want, and I'm using both resources to finally bring to life projects I'd been postponing.

Sadly due to financial circumstances + the country I live in (Venezuela) I can't really afford to travel or get a gym membership like other people do, but I'm hoping I'll have the stability to do that and hopefully that way I'll meet new people.

/r/BreakUps Thread