How does one find record/information about Kratom (mitragyna speciosa) being sold in the US before 1994?

We are conducting a research about the history of a certain plant in the US. We're looking for any records, catalogs, periodicals, or advertisements that prove that the plant Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) has been and is being sold in the US before October 14, 1994.

We've exhausted most online references but was unable to find any proof nor catalogs. Kratom is a tropical plant originating Southeast Asia.

The FDA has warned the public about the dangers of the plant, however people still use it as a herbal remedy for some illnesses or as a stimulant in low doses and as a sedative in high doses. It's known to be used as a pain killer, and treatment for opiate addiction. Any information will be appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

/r/AskReddit Thread