How do you feel about Harper and why?

fiscal conservative here.

Historically the Liberals have a far better fiscal record than the CPC. People have to stop using the expression "fiscal conservative" unless what they mean to say is "I enjoy record setting deficits."

Being from India, I have seen the damage done by 60+ year of liberal rule, where they mollycoddled the "minorities" leading to a fractured society.

We're talking about Canada, not India. Unlike the subject of your argument Canada has actually figured out how to respect minority rights and how to conduct immigration. In fact we've done so largely at the astonishment and envy of the rest of the world.

Sadly, Canadian liberals-NDP do the same. Worse, Liberals has a leader who was elected just because he happened to be the son of ex-PM. Same in India, where a dynasty has ruled for majority of the time.

Justin Trudeau defied odds when he defeated the incumbent in the riding of Papineau (Hardly a Liberal stronghold). He was then elected as Leader of the LPC with the most number of votes of any party leader in Canada's entire political history. The votes were not limited to party members which has never happened at any other time during my life (maybe ever). I accept that you don't like Justin, but your claim that he is heir to some sort of political throne because of how amazing his father was doesn't hold up when you consider what he went through to get to where he is today. I mean really, your point is laughable.

At least I haven't seen Harper pandering to minority and is tough on crime. The corruption level at Federal level seems to low compared to Ontario liberals.

Minority rights are as important as anyone else's rights in this Country. That's what makes the Canada and The West a better place to live than India and Asia. While Conservatives pride themselves as "Tough on Crime" I prefer the Liberal approach of being "Tough On Preventing Crimes." I prefer the approach of minimizing the number of victims rather than maximizing the number of prisoners. But hey, to each their own...

Hence, Harper seems to be a suitable choice.

Perhaps, if you happen to be wealthy or a Christian. If you are like the other 95% of Canadians Justin will likely be the guy to deliver what it is you are asking for.

/r/canada Thread