How Frequently Do Men Aggressively Pester Their Girlfriends for Anal Sex?

Speaking of reciprocity and the golden rule, I think I ranted once about "how to make women feel the same oppression felt by men today" and it got really morbid (but not physiologically gross) in chat.

It mainly involved government subsidized prostitution, low-income, debt shaming-shaming, and institutionalized affection withdrawal (basically an inversion of the status quo, with men getting what they want at the expense of women, swap "sex" for "affection," (silent dinner-tables instead dead-bedroom) "anal," for "listening to women talk," (lots of men complaining on Reddit trying to initiate topics they've made clear they're not interested in) and "not having student-loan sized prostitution debt" for low n-count. ("Who cares, we're upper middle class, a 120k debt is nothing over the course of a lifetime, and they all have debt too.")

Instead of the "Cool Girl" rant (it's mind-boggling how popular this quote is), there would be the "Sweet Guy" rant: you know, the unicorn. He's never visited a brothel, maybe only once or twice, but no debt anyhow, he doesn't ask for anal or deep-throating except on anniversaries, he'll buy you flowers on random days just because he loves you, he never puts down your figure or asks you to lose weight, he'll keep his porn collection in a discreet place. He doesn't get angry when you have mood swings, he really listens, he doesn't berate you for having more than six pairs of shoes, etc etc, and men will write wistful screeds on whether the Sweet Guy exists in real life, or is just a construction of the matriarchy to keep men down.

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