How to Help Babies Who Shouldn't Be In the Bowl?

Honestly the best thing you can do is talk to her & tell her what you think, given that your an experienced SD (I think). I was in the same boat worried about my accumulating debts but I've realised that everything can be alright with proper planning & scheduling. You said SB is in medical school, well from what I've heard banks are more favourable to give loans to students with such a promising future.

Moreover all that drinking is really not going to help her grades in the long run during medical school. I'm not saying SB can't drink, but consuming till near black out on occasion can have serious repercussions on her grades. In med school you wanna make sure your hitting high grades.

Most people I've talked to in medical school said to just take out loans to support yourself , don't take on extra stress. Especially as a surgeon she can pay back those loans in 2-3 years with careful spending & saving. This building her credit score

Now I'm not discouraging her from sugaring, but if she has to go through such lengths to do it I suggest she do not. Medical school is already stressful enough.

But that's just my $0.02, I'm just a 19 yo lurker so take what I say with a grain of salt.

/r/sugarlifestyleforum Thread