How do you help someone like this? How do they gain an identity?

Do not let this junk spread to this sub. Do a search all tgese videos are on thst Orange Cheeto hate subreddit. This youtuber is an alt-right troll. They are NOT an expert in body language. This is total pseudoscience. They are a conspiracy theorist. They were recently banned from YouTube for harrassment, bullying, calling the Parkland victims & activists "psychos" but somehow got reinstated on appeal. Do not waste your time on these videos. Most of them are posted sum it up for you: racist neo Nazis, Trump, right wing extemists are all telling the truth.
Anyone like artists, actors (except for those accused in the Me too movement, they're all telling truth, she can tell!) musicians etc are all weak, "crazy" liars.

/r/TalkTherapy Thread Link -