How to get help with insomnia?

One in five adults suffers from an insufficient amount of sleep. Insomnia affects people of all age group. As we grow older, things gets difficult to remember so its far better to make a habit to sleep at right time.

Insomnia cures and treatments:-

  1. Sleep Hygiene :-

Stick to a regular sleep schedule Exercise at least 30 minutes per day Get plenty of natural light exposure during the day. Take a warm bath or shower before bed. 2. Neutralize sleep anxieties :-

Use the bedroom only for sleeping. Don’t work, read, watch TV, or use your computer in bed or the bedroom. Get out of bed when you can’t sleep. Do something relaxing, such as reading, drinking a warm cup of caffeine-free tea, taking a bath, or listening to soothing music. When you’re sleepy, go back to bed. 3. Tackle daytime stress and worries :-

Residual stress, worry, and anger from your day can make it difficult to fall asleep as night. Get help with stress management. Talk over your worries during the day with a friend or loved one. Do some breathing exercises and meditation during a day. You can do them as part of your bedtime routine. 4. Sleep aids and sleeping pills :-

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