How do you identify autism symptoms if you think they're being masked by ADHD?

Definitely sounds familiar! I oddly can remember appointments because numbers and dates have a weird way of just sticking in my head. I'm forgetful about other things though.

It's funny, I don't have that much of a problem sorting mail (to be honest it's mostly flyers so it will just go in recycling the next time I manage to clean up) but deleting the junk mail from my email inbox everyday? I just can't be bothered to do it most of the time. The number of unopened emails stresses me out lol.

I can now manage to unload the dishwasher fairly easily most days, but sometimes I need someone in the same room to keep me focused. It's a lot more difficult though if I need to unload it first. I can remember that dishes have to be done because I see them all the time, it just seems too difficult to do it. I forget to fold my laundry though (even though I don't mind it much because I can watch a movie at the same time) because it's in my bedroom which I don't spend much time in during the day.

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