How important is sex in a relationship when you're over 30 versus when you're younger?

So I've been married for 31 years. I got pregnant at 17 and we got married 2 weeks before my 18th birthday. We were head over heels and were engaged and had already bought our wedding bands before I ever got pregnant. At age 16 I was told I couldn't have kids because of PCOS so getting pregnant was a huge surprise and though the timing was bad, we were all actually pretty thrilled because it seemed like a miracle.

Anyway, sex is incredibly important to keeping you both bonded, and its not just the physical part, but the emotional intimacy you can only have through sex that is important. However, life is a roller coaster, and that need for sex ebbs and flows over time. You'll go through rough patches where work, or life difficulties, or health problems get in the way, and one or both of you will not be as interested in sex for awhile, but you have to just keep working on communication and keeping each other a priority. We've gone through serving in the military, 2 kids, bachelor degrees and master degrees, new jobs, lay offs, moves, financial crashes, multiple surgeries including a spinal fusion and a total hysterectomy, sick kids including a child with epilepsy, kids in trouble with the law, deaths in the family etc and no matter how bad things got, we were always able to bring the spark back because we made it a priority. So I'm facing my 50th birthday soon and I can honestly say it's still important to both of us.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread