How to improve Ranked Conquest

  1. The only real solution to this is to put hard caps on how much mmr/elo can swing per match, but it has the trade off of making players that are new to ranked but much better or worse than average to have to play many more games to get placed in the right division. Personally, I think this is worth it. Otherwise, there is no solution, just because of how statistics work.


  1. This is due pretty much to the low ranked population. If there were more people in queue, you would have less likelihood of getting paired with people out of your skill range.


  1. Division matching is based on mmr/elo. If you have significatly higher elo than your division, you actually receive more tp for wins, and likewise for significantly lower elo, you lose more tp.


  1. Judging individual performance is very difficult since good performace looks vastly different depending on which role you play and there isn't a good correlation of which role you're playing with which god you're playing. Consider a Ymir that goes 0/3/6 with 12k damage, 25 wards placed and ends up level 17 at the end of a 30 minute game. That's not bad for a support ymir, especially if he's secured/stolen some fire giants or gold furies (I don't believe this stat is recorded). However, for a jungle Ymir, this isn't very good at all. It's much more reasonable to expect that players' skill will be reflected by their win/loss ratio, given a sufficient amount of games played.


  1. This is the biggest problem. I think they should make it easier to start playing ranked and do something about their reporting system. It seems highly ineffective in preventing people with terrible attitudes from playing. It doesn't take that many pricks to make a lot of people quit.


  1. This is also reasonable. I would change it to being before first blood though.
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