How Do You Invoke a Deity?

Invocation is a rather simple concept - one utilizes the universal laws in order to participate in the essence of the gods.

If we look at invocation through the lens of Chaos Magick, then we limit this participation to the psychological domian - by chosing a deity and focusing on it's qualities and attributes, one "invokes" the psychological and emotional traits within oneself.

In traditional magic however, one does not participate in the essence of the gods exclusively through the psychological aspect, but especially through the energetic aspect of oneself, i.e the soul.

There is a very fundamental prerequisite many so called magicians neglect - purification and receptivity, which belongs to the realm of mysticism.

In order for the soul to become properly receptive, one needs to have a clean energetic anatomy. In the yogic tradition, this is called nadi sodhana.

One also needs to have the faculties of the elements in proper condition - a strong will power combined with a sharp intellect, so one can concentrate, visualize and use the imagination to it's fullests extent, refinement of emotion, so one does not have any energetic residue left that is in contrast to the energies being invited down, and expansion of consciousness, particularly the silence of mind, which for obvious reasons have great benefit in an operation like this.

So, how does an invocation work?

Agrippa echoed Thales of Miletus when he said that the world is full of gods. The idea behind this is the Greaco-Egyptian doctrine of an emenative hierachy of creation. The One, which is also known as Brahman and The Dao, is the source of all. From this ineffable darkness, the light of Nous springs forth, which is the archetypal realm of the gods, being different powers and facets of The One. These powers emenate and create the world of Psyche, also known as the astral, which is the blueprint of our material realm. Man, as the microcosm, participates in this macrocosm as body, soul and spirit.

So, this means that there are not only minerals, plants, animals and human traits associated with each deity (hence the importance of nobility of character), but also forms and sounds. So, a mantra is said in the Tantric tradition to be the sound body of a god, whereas the form is the light body.

You will notice that each pantheon lists several symbols associated with each deity - these are the keys for invocation, because these symbols participate in the essence of the gods by their very nature.

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