How long do true crime podcasts last for?


I'm not really comparing it to a game channel, just that as an entity, like a game channel or a make up channel or any other channel, they might or might not have an observable life cycle.

Further, I think you miinterpretted what I said. I was talking about individual channels or podcasts, not the genre. The genre has been around forever, first in books, phamlets then radio, TV and now the internet.

Its not about their 'versatility' in which you sibmit that you can listen to it anywhere. The point is, how long do you think the creater or what you are listening to will continue to do that. Realistically. Forever?

I think we can reasonaly expect podcasts themselves to go on forever, but not podcast creators.

I don't really have a point, I just think its an interesting question but its not readily asnerable as dead podcasts are hard to find, especially from my perspective as I use YouTube.

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