How do you think the meaning behind Tony's iconic line changes? Best I can do is that they're both moments of acceptance, but #1 brings him a hopeful relief, and #2 brings him a sorrowful pride. Very curious of other interpretations.

Whether or not there’s 1 “correct” interpretation for it from the creators, it’s not like it’s some meaningless throwaway line... It’s impactful because it’s a simple line that conveys so much about Tony’s headspace just by the way he delivers it. I think because the difference is vague and nuanced, it lends itself to deep level personal interpretations, contrary to your point.

Do you not feel any difference in emotion conveyed in the 2 scenes? Whether or not the meaning in each individual scene is on some deep level, the sheer contrast in the way the line is delivered in each context is incredibly ripe for comparison and deep level interpretation

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