How much does it cost to 6/8. Not irl money, in game items only

I don't know which character you want 6/8'd, but I decided you wanted the average, so I added the max of each character's stats from realmeye, except for life and mana, which I assume you don't want. For att, I got an average of ~63 (63.333) pots to reach max. For def, I got an average of ~27 (26.666) pots to reach max. For spd, I got an average of ~57 (57.333) pots to reach max. For dex, I got an average of ~60 (59.666) pots to reach max. For vit, I got an average of 49 pots to reach max. For wis, I got an average of ~61 (61.333) pots to reach max. I am also going to assume these things about the prices: 1. 2 rainbow=1 def/att. 2. 1 Def=1 Att 3. 1L=5 def/att. You can correct me if any of these prices are wrong, these are what I have seen recently as the most common prices. If you add all of the average rainbows together, you get 227. Divide by 2, and you get 113 pots of def/att and one extra rainbow pot. It doesn't matter which one we choose, so I'll choose 113 def pots and 1 wis pot. Now add 113 to 27 and you get 140 def pots. Since we said 1 def=1 att, I shall now add the att to the total def we have, giving us a grand total of 203 pots of def/att. We ain't finished yet. We have to convert this into life, so we take out total and divide by 5, giving us a total of 40.6 life, or 40 life and 3 def/att pots. So our true grand total in pots is 40L, 3 def/att, and 1 rainbow. This means it is worth roughly 41 coverts/incs(1L each), a little over 20 acclaims(2L each), roughly 7 colos(6L each), a little over 3 UBHPs(12L each), or 2 decas (20L each). It would take 203 abby/skys to get all of the pots. In my opinion, just go farm for them and sell what you don't need. Don't go full out trading for them :).

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