How much money would you need to do a horrible thing?

I hate people,I’m introverted honestly. Resting bitch face,amazing life so far. I’m growing mentally rapidly,asking big boi questions and carefully answering them. A good one is about god,I believe there’s a god somewhere somehow because ffs look where we’re communicating at. Idk goofy stuff Ive reached no conclusion with that yet but what I did find is so far the best way to defy god and killing their creations. Life is life and I’ve been asking myself goofy questions not exactly to your questions. I don’t really care much for money but the world revolves around it. I’ve been thinking about living off grid for a while now but if I were to stay in civilization and do these things it’ll be for a lot. Human meat I would think it taste like any other meat,hopefully cow,it’ll be like 1-5 mil I would imagine someone recording and paying me. Probably thighs.

Someone to run over,I wouldn’t kill any random dude walking about it’ll be fucked up. I’ll probably make research on people and find the one who’s done the most fucked up shit. 15-25 mil,time and effort plus destroying car stalking all that bs. These prices im giving are goofy as hell but you didn’t stay maximum amount. Man 10000000000000000000$

I would never kill a pet. They’re pure,kind if raised right and look at you as their guardians and they’re yours. Bond between man and dog imo is one of the best things in this world. There’s evil dogs out there,purely or raised really badly. I would only kill one in self defense or if I see one charging a kid or my own.

Money is a goofy thing,I said all that bs up there but I wouldn’t do it for money at all. If life continues I’ll be the one making the decisions and it’ll be mine decisions completely thought out and sane about. Seeing every point of view. Using a car on someone is a pussy ass move. And about eating a part of a human, survival yes yes

/r/morbidquestions Thread