What’s the darkest, most disturbing, and toxic online community you’ve seen?

Hello hello not a man at all and yeah I might delete the comment considering it was quiet rude now that I read it again. I also was not talking about people who have a disorder considering I am in the first place sombady who struggles to mantein a healthy weight. I am talking about people posting about it like is a goal to obsess over their weight. Here the first example that popped up In my tik tok. This is what I refer to.




Not people having a disorder and asking/ searching for help. I actively invite anybody who is struggling with trauma and it manifesting trought anorexia to search for help and accept it from healthy people around you, that value your person first of your body image. You may think you are controlling your body by not eating but is really psychosis controlling your body, mind and future. Don’t burn your future because of some online validation from the butterfly community. They are not your friend. Anorexia in not your friend. People should be warned not to fall for those demons online trying to sell you their narrative in which is really good that you struggle to eat an this make you special. You are not special, you are sick. Search for help. This is what I want to tell everybody.

This is not even the worst thing I saw but you have to consider that pro Ana community can be the trigger/trauma that lead a lot of people to doubt their body and go for really restrictive diets, in particular in an age window in which you really need external validation. Some people get it trought this kind of community and this is why pro Ana exist and should be stopped because young mind are fragile and Ana community itself can be the trigger. In particular when romanticized.

I am against people validating the ugliness of being sick, not ableist of people going trought trauma response. Hope to be conclusive.

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