Is there any way to expose school teachers who groom their students? Or is that considered technically legal?

I have never really had any more than a few comments when asking in such a large sub, which makes me think I might be presenting the problem in the wrong way. Do you have any suggestions? And admittedly, while I know he still works at my alma mater I no longer use social media so for the past 3 years I don't know if the relationship has progressed any further than a couple of dates.

I guess I posed this question as a hypothetical of what you should do if you graduate from high school and realize some of your teachers may not be as upright as they said. I mean, when I was a teen if you worked in the government that meant you were 'highly qualified'. Now I view government as a place were sociopaths and degenerates gather...and considering the teacher in question did work for government and even owns a helicopter just what am I supposed to think? Like maybe he was smart enough to wait until they were legal, but is there nothing we can do about grooming culture?

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