My city was recently hit by 15 tornadoes, and many neighborhoods have been destroyed. A friend of mine went to check on her property, and found 2 people looting her home.

It's funny how you don't realize that the system we have isn't free and that a wealth redistribution has nothing to for with stealing. Just because you build a system in which your stealing doesn't count as stealing doesn't mean it's a rightful system. Your whole idealistic belief is built on a false assumption. We can see on countless statistics that social democracy is currently the best system we have. It assures a good life for its citizens and a wealthy and successful country.

And the audacity to say that communism causes death and suffering while the same happens in the USA today(an oligarchy). Social democracy is a much better system. Which shows in nearly all happiness statistics around the world. Why is depression in the US so high? Why got the US infrastructure a grade of D+? Why are people literally dying because they can't afford basic healthcare and in the other places don't? Why are over 60% of the people living from paycheck to paycheck? Why is the U6 un and underemployment rate at 7%(It's still a bad way to measure how people are doing. Wages are a far more suited)? Why are prescription drugs way more expensive than in all other developed countries? Why are the wages of the underclass and lower middle class so low compared to other developed countries? Why are huge corporations able to push trade deals through politics without any resistance even if they result in a huge number of jobs getting outsourced?

It's not like there aren't examples of better systems with better results because there are, especially Scandinavian countries but also other west European countries. And again, social democracy IS NOT ANTI CAPITALISM...

You would still have a capitalistic system as you like it, but you also wouldn't invest tax dollars in endless war but in your population in form of public healthcare, free or cheaper education and other social programs. You would also have politicians who actually stand for the majority of the country.

I have a funny idea, if you are such a fan of survival of the fittest why not transform the US in complete anarchy? At the moment you have a raise to the bottom on the shoulders of the poor and communism for the rich. Not even nearly as free and natural as you think

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