How Much Time Off Did Twin Dads Take?

This might be bit off topic because i assume you are from the USA and its bit easier where i live, but ill share this anyway. Here ( in Finland) for father its allowed to stay home 54 days as an paternity leave (18 days on same time with mom) you can divide it for four seperate sections for the first 2years of the baby. After that 54days you can spend 158 (+60 extra, beacause of twins) total 210 days off as parental leave ( you can divide it between mom and dad). All this is paid by goverment if your employer wont pay. Mine paid for the first week, after that goverment paid the rest. Its not as much as your salary. It depends your income level( i got around 60% of my salary minus taxes).

So considering all this i was home 18days after twins got home from hospital(3 weeks after birth). After that i used my holidays 7-weeks (i had alot unused holidays from several years). I went for work after that for about 2 monts. It was hard time for my better half, so after working two months i returned home and used the rest of the 36 days. It didnt end there and i stayd home for the next months using rest of the days from 210days parental leave (My wife went back to work when our twins turned 11months old and i stayed home with twins. She makes lot more money than i do so it had to go this way). So total i stayed home untill kids turned 1,5years. They went to daycare after that. Best time of my life staying home, but after spending that much time at home i was quite happy to get out from the house and back to work.

/r/parentsofmultiples Thread