Please tell me things get better relatively soon.

Father of mono/di boys that just turned one in July.

It gets better. And it gets better pretty quickly. By 3mos (I know... It seems long but its not) things got much better. Sleeping, eating, etc. And only easier from there. Once they learn to ignore the noises the other one makes its great. One will literally be screaming while the other is fast asleep less than 2' away. After typing this I realise I don't have any good advice for you. All I can say is I remember being where you are and feeling like it would never be over, "this is my life now". But it does get better, and you'll look back in hindsight and it won't seem that bad or like it took that long. It did. It totally sucked and it took forever. But the pros quickly begin to outweigh the cons. Hang in there and don't get too furious at all the " you must have your hands full!" comments you get.

As for sleep, we hired a sleep consultant with our first child. I admit it was a waste of money as all they do is help you set up a sleep routine and stick to it. At the time it was invaluable. They provide info on how long, how often, babies need to nap as they grow, but that can be found online easily enough. Basically set a sleep routine and STICK TO IT. Deviating from it throws them off for at least a day. They will cry. Ignore them. Only go in if they become frantic. That's really all we did and we frequently have other parents (neighbours and friends) comment that they can't believe how well our babies sleep for us. We developed a routine and it becomes religion. It works. It sounds tough but I don't know how we would manage without. With all 3 kids we found that sleep training took a week or less. After that, they realized "Mom isn't coming. I guess I should just sleep.". We are just starting to do away with their middle of the night feed. Sleeping through the night in no time! You will be too. And try to enjoy it through this part. It goes quick and you will miss it. Just doesn't seem that way yet.

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