How do people use magic in your world?

In Lothedrinn, magic comes in three forms. Elementals, Elementoids and Crystals.

Elementals are a pure embodiment of an element, in the form of a simple beast. They run around, hunt, mate. They live their lives as basically just animals that have element powers that can extend beyond just the traditional elements. Time Elementals are exceptionally terrifying when you consider they act just on instinct, and so do their abilities.

Elementoids are basically what happens when you put an elemental in a humanoid body. They are a lot more intelligent and capable of interacting and behaving just like normal people but have the added benefits of magic. Although, due to their connection to an 'animal' they are often sees as a 'lower' life form.

Now, there are people who manage to utilize an elemental for their own purposes by binding it to themselves, but that's just a sorcerer. Their magic is limited and honestly self-destructive. Magic Crystals are a better substitute for sorcerers. These crystallized outcroppings of pure magic are mined deep beneath the earth by Flame Dwarves and, just like with binding an Elemental, are a finite source of magic ability.

/r/worldbuilding Thread