How politically divided is your family? How do different members' beliefs line up or contrast? Is politics a taboo subject in your family?

My dad's a libertarian, let the people do what they want with their money, let people do what they want with their own bodies. Doesn't like drugs, but says let people do have the choice.

Mom's a conspiracy theorist. I mean, she doesn't really talk about politics, but the few times she does, I'm bound to hear an unusual theory.

Most of my siblings are something like liberals, on a sliding scale from Bernie bros to "if you're gonna lower taxes for everybody that's great, but do it more for the people that need it than those who have got plenty pennies spared already." In terms of social/moral policy, they're mostly liberal.

I flip flop on fiscal policy, seems unclear since when intervention is needed and when it just hurts seems very messy, but generally a social liberal.

Most of us are fine talking about politics. Especially my dad and my sisters.

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread