How do you prevent becoming “out of touch” when it comes to growing more wealthy?

I make into the 100s and also grew up lower middle class. In my opinion/experience the desire to splash out on expensive garbage stems from growing up poor and not picking up good financial habits from your parents.

When you make 40k and have 4 kids you aren’t saving for anything, you’re just trying to make it to tomorrow. So when you get your $500 tax return you buy a new TV because life is hard and you have to treat yourself somehow. This is why you walk through public housing and see young kids wearing Gucci belts. People can buy things and not necessarily afford them.

You are doing the same thing except you make 10x as much and bought a Gucci item that costs 10x as much. Sure you can buy it, you probably can’t afford it.

I don’t know where you live but after I max out my 401k, pay for expenses, pay into savings, I really don’t have that much “fun” money. I “waste” maybe $300 a month. Obviously that’s a lot of slush money for some people but it’s certainly not enough to buy a Gucci suit.

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