How risky is it to go into the year with 11 units with the intent of enrolling in a 2-3 unit decal

OP, this is like your 7th post in a week. Seems like you are very worried about your schedule.

Instead of living on the edge and asking anons on the internet, I highly recommend you make an appointment with your advisor(you can go in person, skype, do phone calls, and email them q's as well. Check your Calcentral portal).

In regards to your q on units, you should include more information. Ie are you on financial aid and need a certain # of units? Are you planning to go full time? What college are you in and what is their full time student requirement for units? These are definitely questions/answers you'd want concrete info of- that is what advisors are paid and trained to do.

Please also see the stickied post here for more resources+place to ask questions:

Additionally- regarding your multiple q's on class recommendations/feedback, simply googling your class name/series, and prof names will yield results on Berkeley time, ninjacourses, ratemyprof, collegeconfidential, ect.

/r/berkeley Thread