Can someone please help me understand this histogram for my grade?

My TA just emailed me this:

My TA just emailed me this:

“For your current cumulative grade as a percentage out of 75 total points (since the final essay will make up the remaining 25 points), from our calculations you have 77.656%. The calculations are based on the weights given in the course description.

For the curve, yes, the class average will be curved to approximately a B+ to A- range. We also just posted the following announcement, which hopefully clarifies more: When the final cumulative grades are calculated at the end of the class, students whose cumulative scores are close to the cumulative mean will likely receive a B+ or A-. Cumulative scores approximately 1 standard deviation below the cumulative mean will likely receive a C+ or B-. Your current cumulative score can give you an idea of where you stand relative to the current cumulative median and mean (the distribution of current cumulative scores is attached). The current cumulative scores do not include the remaining homeworks, remaining polls, or the final essay. “

The final essay is around 25% of our grade, but I am confused where I am in the histogram.

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