How has the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy held up?

'Spider-Man (2002)' - While it's not as good as time has passed, it still holds a lot of made the Superhero genre what it is today. The effects range from groundbreaking to decent. The tropes featured here aren't it's fault if it pioneered it.

'Spider-Man 2 (2004)' - if the original revolutionized superhero films, this sequel revolutionized filmmaking. This film exceeds expectations and showcases a better story, better character development, better special effects and a stronger emotional core. One of the best superhero films to date.

'Spider-Man 3 (2007)' - It has garnered a lot of notoriety over the years, some deserved and some undeserved. The brightest spot is Sandman. He doesn't get enough focus which hurts the film. Everything you've heard that sounds ridiculous is way worse on screen. But overall it's just a decent to mediocre adventure.

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