How has someone that you’ve lost contact with changed your life? [Serious]

I had a boyfriend with whom I broke up with because he was way too jealous. He left and went to Australia to learn english. After that, he went to Canada to get the helicopter driving license. He turned out to be the youngest person who owned such license and was financed by the military to develop further. He started taking a lot of business courses and soon after that started his company which would help disabled people move autonomously at night. He started many other companies, and is still working on a lot of projects simultaneously. He managed to become a millionare within a few years. It’s been 7 years since we broke up, and are still in touch. He’s still in love with me and would like to have a family together. I am proud of what he managed to achieve and want for him to develop even further, reason why I choose not to go back together with him. (I am a narcoleptic 21 years old woman who has to start bachelor degree over again ...).

Breaking up did not change my life directly, but for sure it changed his, and I am more than happy out it.

/r/AskReddit Thread