How I started making LOVE not WAR with Feminists. Sex + Socratic method = Social Change.

Re: the feel versus think dichotomy; that's just a headfake attempting to derail my point. I don't feel the need to address that further.

As for TRP being indicative of a clear pattern in intergender dynamics? No. I don't quite think so. What if I proposed that the popularity of the KKK (some 8000 members in 2014) was indicative of the clear pattern in interracial dynamics? Popularity doesn't really support your point in any way. And to be clear: having 100,000+ subscribers doesn't mean there are 100,000+ people who necessarily agree with you.

||The exceptions do not disprove the rule nor are they relevant; the moment you have to argue a rule with an exception is the moment you prove the existence of the rule.||

This is the point that you guys always try to make to me when I am telling you what I've gone through. I'm not talking about exceptions here, for my experience. I'm saying the majority of women I've ever run across do not fit neatly into the AWALT box. If you want to undermine my experience in the matter by saying the I'M an exception, then you're not really arguing my point. The grand idea here is that there is no rule when dealing with people.

I don't need to read the sidebar. I've been at this for years. The difference is that I've also read viewpoints and researched material that do not agree with the clean theories proposed by the sidebar. I view TRP critically, therefore. It is not a lack of understanding that makes me criticize it.

And you can also fuck off with your accusation of me white knighting. I'm not defending any women in particular; I'm telling you that your nice and neat little hypotheses about women do not gel with reality often enough to be particularly useful.

The lack of substantive rebuttal you cite is intentional. I don't want to pretend that my experience is going to represent everybody's. Not everyone had my parents. Not everyone had my education. Therefore, one may look at their own life experiences and come to conclusion that I am incorrect. That's fine. But you're dealing with a community of people, many of them young men, who are absorbing all of this rhetoric eagerly, and they may come to find that their experience tracks more closely to mine than yours. And in my experience, subscribing to a particular ideology does not really get you that far in life, AWALT included.

To follow that up, if a Red Piller is a 40 year old dude with tons of experience in the world of AWALT and can attest and has had success BECAUSE of this philosophy, awesome. Great for you; I'm happy that you're happy, no joke. But a lot of men on here ARE just speculating. If you're one of the 20 year-old dudes who says "I'm never getting married because fuck all women," then you're most likely speculating.

||Whether you like it or not, women can be put into a box of traits. If I say that women have a womb; I don't have to semantically account for those who have undergone a hysterectomy.||

Here, as well as before, you're being pedantic. And you're either not comprehending what I'm suggesting, or you're being willfully obtuse about my point based on your perception of me.

||Finding an idea offensive is not evidence or proof that it is wrong.||

Yes. And I don't find the idea of AWALT offensive. I find it nearly useless in guiding my day-to-day interactions with my wife and other women.

||My suggestion is that you thoroughly digest the information and data contained not only within the sidebar but the top field reports.||

And my suggestion to you is you consider a more broad exposure to other ideas outside of the red pill in an effort to evaluate the ideas rather than proselytize things I've already read and digested for years.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent