How to succeed? (for INFJs)

To use your analogy, I can see the mountain I want to cross and I have the map on how to get there, so I just want to get over that damn mountain already! The view on the other side is absolutely gorgeous and the view on this side sucks. So I understand what you mean.

My problem is that I trivialize details and intermediate milestones, so I trip and fall on the road because I'm not looking where I'm going, I'm too busy staring at the mountain and visualizing the other side. So I'm really really trying hard to break down my journey into small parts and focus on just getting to the next short stop. I've learned that the more beautiful the other side is, the harder it is to get there. It's hard because I always get caught up in where I want to go and my dreams tend to be pretty big and beautiful, so there's a lot of crap in the way. So basically, break it up into manageable pieces and focus on one thing at a time.

But it sounds like you already know that. I'm just curious why there is broken glass on the road. It's hard to give help to an analogy because saying "go around the glass" or "clean up the glass" would imply you can avoid or fix your life's problems just like that, which you can't. Could you be a bit more specific so we can help?

/r/infj Thread