How To Win Every Trade. Ever. Literally. (x-post /r/summonerschool)

I commend here again thinking it might give those guys an idea:

Fucking awesome post, bro !

I wanna point out something thats so underrated but so damn important in lane, especially sololanes


If you want to practice getting kills in lane, you should play Cho’Gath or Darius. They both have unmissable ults that do true damage. Mouse over to see how much it is, look at the vertical lines on their health bar...easy peasy. You’ll know exactly where their health needs to be to score a kill.

Okay, but why stop there? On any champion, if you flash and hit everything, what’s the damage you do? What is your max burst? Do you know?

Why the hell not?

I can forgive you if you’re messing around in a normal on a champion you don’t know. On your main in ranked; I won’t. The fine line between 300g (and your opponent’s teammates hating him) and nothing is right there, and you need to know that information. This is your champion’s “Red Line”, the maximum amount of damage you can deliver immediately without any counterplay.

Go to LoL wiki, count your base damages, your likely extras from runes, masteries and items, compensate for armor or MR, and come up with a number. Now you’ll know exactly where you need to trade your way towards.

On the other hand, what about mana? How much does it cost to cast every spell once? This is the “Blue Line”, the amount of mana you need to cast everything.

You mana bar is public information, and your opponent will know if you don’t have the mana to continue to play. If you’re approaching the blue line, you need to consider backing, or otherwise find a way to get some mana back without leaving. You’ll be fine if you stay above it, but once you cross the blue line, you enter a downward spiral: minions to clear, no abilities to clear them with,w exposure to damage while you auto, stuck clearing while the opponent roams, all sorts of bad things. Avoid this before it happens. Know your blue line, and be aware when you’re about to cross it. Basically you just need to actualy do you champion homework... if this will give you a won lane then you WILL do it !

I main Fizz, my cooldowns mid-early game are 6s E, 7-8s W and 7-8s Q .. my all-time full combo costs around 350 mana, but i want more freedome so i say 400 mana if i want to have another spell.. and Dmg, well depentend on items and level i deal roughly 1,2 K - 1.6k dmg or more...

What does this mean? If im above 400 mana, im able to deal 1.5-2k dmg in about 3 seconds if i land everything, which will leave me vulnerable for about 7 seconds.. My lethal range is 550 to 100% and 1200 to 80% (lane positioning, landing Ult etc etc) ..If I know that, you can too !

This all changes early, mid and late game (except the range thing).. and i know that because i learned it once and since i have fun it wasnt even that hard.

Mana managment is something the least ppl do or underestimate... Every point of mana above your Combo Mana cost, is basically free poke or wave management...

As said, awesome post!

/r/leagueoflegends Thread