How would you debunk this article?

Heterosexuality is genetic or innate; Heterosexuality is irreversible; Since animals engage in opposition-sex sexual behavior, heterosexuality is natural.

I could then go on to support or attack this using examples of other animals, seeing as the first two claims are also inaccurate when putting heterosexuality in the place of homosexuality. But on the most basic level of ethics, this whole fascination with sexuality is a bit absurd.

  • Can we agree upon on an age of consent, while also allowing sovereign nations their own freedom of choice on the issue? Yes.
  • If two human beings consent to sexual contact, while both within the age of consent, does it impact others lives? No.
  • Bingo bongo, case closed.

At the end of the day, does it really matter if sexuality is genetic or irreversible? Does it matter what other animals do or don’t do? Two (or more) consenting adults should be able to do whatever the hell they want to do, as it is not harming anyone else’s life.

/r/askgaybros Thread