How would you feel about your SO moving in with a roommate of the gender (or one of the genders) they're attracted to, assuming the potential roommate is also attracted to your SO's gender?

Yeah, definitely doesn't bother me since also sexuality is fluid and if you're going to try to rule out every possibility ever that'd be exhausting.

But yeah you say it's about the potential of the two to be attracted to each other - just the labels are there doesn't mean the potential is. I'm a bi woman; my best roommate and best friend of all time is a gay woman. We are incredibly emotionally intimate, right on each other's wavelengths, there is no one I can talk to longer or on as deep a level with and I admit sometimes I've compared potential partners to her in the sense "living with this person was the best living situation I ever had; how would living with this new person compare?". If a partner was jealous of that I'd kind of understand, but if the reason they were jealous was they thought we'd fuck, I'd laugh myself silly - because despite all that, there hasn't been so much as a second of romantic or sexual attraction. On the other hand I've known straight girls to fall in love with other women and still identify as straight, so labels don't say anything about what's going to happen.

/r/AskWomen Thread