How would you respond if someone told you that they masturbate to the thought of you?

I'm a guy, not been in a relationship in over 5 years, very lonely, and even if she was attractive this would have her opposite intended effect. I've only ever had one actual relationship, it was serious, it lasted 6 years, and I don't want some vixen who wants to pleasure me or be pleasured by me. I want to fall in love again and I want us to be embarrassed and shy about our real feelings, I want my heart to beat so hard it's like a bolt of lightning trying to burst out and I want that feeling to be there because I'm thinking about maybe holding her hand. I want to mention my favorite movie and feel that amazing thrill when she says she's never heard of it. I want to be let down sometimes when she doesn't like the movie or thinks my favorite band is "ok, I guess" and I want us to discover things neither of us knew about that we both think is the best thing since sliced bread. I want us to spend so much time together that we can't remember if the past happened without each other in it. I want slow days, boring days, days where we struggle to get out of bed because it's raining and we're struggling to find meaning and days where we struggle to get out of bed because it's so cold outside and we're so warm wrapped in each other's arms. Days where she can't get me to smile and other days when I can't make her stop smiling. I just want another best friend...

/r/AskReddit Thread