HTC support demand I allow full remote access to install "diag tool"

Maybe so, maybe it has happened but not just blasted out on Reddit or forums. Perhaps got handled in mails or phonecalls or Live chat that we will never know about. It's impossible to say either way.

Maybe had the person I talked to, actually come off as more professional with coherent english sentences that I understood without issue, I might not even have brought it up. This is probably the only way this is handled as of today, hopefully as you say it'll take another route in the future. Here's a copy&pasted few lines form that Live-chat, I saved the whole discussion;

3:50 PM sorry you take it that way , but how do you want to perform the test while the application & the tool is in my PC of course i will be impossible to share our internal system with all the customers 3:51 PM & this is the only way to send your controller for repair 4:07 PM all of this customers not trained in how to fix the VIVE 4:07 PM that's why you have customer support 4:11 PM if repair ticket is not opened from our end repair center will not accept it 4:11 PM & mostly it will be lost 4:23 PM of course we won't put any policy pr rules unless it serves you before me 4:24 PM i'm really sorry that you take that way but i still need to test it with remote access 4:24 PM this is the ONLY way, no change in that fact

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