Humble pc build for my son

People tend to focus on only a few games. I game constantly, but I have one-two thousand hours each in games like Minecraft, Terraria, Warframe, and a few others (mostly ancient titles like Armada 2525 and Super Mario 3), many thousands of hours in Path of Exile, and probably less than a thousand hours total in everything else combined.

I couldn't install every game I've ever purchased at once on my 500 GB SSD, but there's no real reason to. I just keep the games I'm currently playing installed. When the total completion length is between 5-40 hours for most games, it's hard to fill a decent sized drive with games you're actually going to play, especially when most non-AAA games barely take up any space.

Larger space usage is almost always due to hoarding. If you're not downloading and saving TV shows and movies or keeping old games installed, a 500 GB SSD is more than enough for almost everybody. With high speed internet and streaming sites like Crunchyroll, Netflix, Hulu existing today, that sort of hoarding is far less popular than it used to be.

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