The Last Jedi isn't the real problem TFA is

Exactly. Mr Wright puts it very well, though I must add that the second paragraph below applies to TFA more.

"But if the Republic is the legitimate government of the Galaxy, why are they crouched on a rebel base rather than occupying the Pentagon, or NORAD, or whatever the name might be of the main space-marine super-fortress of the capital planet?

This is a pointless confusion. It all could be cleared up in a single sentence, and by calling things by their right names. It could fill in what happened after the end of RETURN OF THE JEDI and before the opening of FORCE AWAKENS. Instead, the film maker evidently wanted the heroes to be the underdogs in rebellion against space tyrants once again, because making up something new might require a brain. So, the victory crowning the beloved first trilogy is simply whisked away without explanation. (all emphasis added)

(Frodo goes back to the Shire, and then, on Tuesday, he falls out of bed, and finds that Sauron has sprung back to life and taken over Gondor, Mirkwood, Eriador, and erected his new Dark Tower in Bree, where he forges STARKILLER RING, a version of the One Ring twice the size of the first.)

The words of this word crawl have an atmosphere of lazy incompetence, as if someone is trying to copy an original he does not understand, so he copies inconsequential elements or surface features. Here again, he is the blind cutpurse who pilfers the bag but leaves the gold coins behind.

This is something we will see throughout: nearly every element in this film is a lazy copy that misses the point of the original."

/r/saltierthancrait Thread