Hunt Showdown hot takes

I play hunt because of the PvE. Undead and Cowboys, end of the world, a shit ton of stuff to read. It's what made me buy it. I don't know, man. People have their taste. Some people like to spam nades at you. Some like to shoot in your face 300 m away. Others like to spit the hell out of bullets with their weapons. There are some lunatics with a Romero aiming to a door and scaring the shit out of me. There is a fucking bomb lance. If you're good aiming and shooting, good for you. Congrats! You're wonderful! Good boy. I am happy making event quests and punching monsters in the face while laughing watching people dying in my random alert traps scattered around the map. Why don't use the environment as a weapon too? If it exists in the game, I am going to use it. Yes, I am bad at aiming. And yes, I lost all my trades and suck in PvP. But I have my share of fun, living or dying.

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