I've accepted the occassional random couple of seconds of FPS stuttering, but am i crazy or does the game feel stuttery when multiple enemies are around even when FPS is stable?

I can tell you what helped me personally.

Disabling the fps limit in the game, select 9000.

Disabling affinity for core 0. I have a processor with 8 cores and set affinity 1-7 (counting down from zero. 0 is the first core). You can read more about it in this post https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/6yukg1/thesis\_disable\_core\_0\_for\_better\_fps\_an/. It didn't change my fps, but it made the game smoother. If you have a dual core processor this will only hurt. Anti-cheat does not allow you to change the cpu affinity for the game, so you need to change the cpu affinity for the steam.exe and Hunt will run with the same cpu affinity. You can permanently change the cpu affinity in the program process lasso.

If after that the message "unsupported cpu detected" appears when you start the game, just click OK.

Use Intelligent Standby list cleaner https://youtu.be/BmXr6NwBfvA. ISLC polling rate (ms) I recommend choosing 10 000.

Steam shortcut -> Properties -> Shortcut -> add text to the Target -no-browser +open steam://open/minigameslist. I have it like this C:\DITRIH\GM\Steam\Steam.exe -no-browser +open steam://open/minigameslist

High priority for HuntGame.exe. Disable fullscreen optimizations for HuntGame.exe (Steam\steamapps\common\Hunt Showdown\bin\win_x64\HuntGame.exe)

My english is bad. I hope I was able to explain clearly

/r/HuntShowdown Thread