Furry haters of reddit, what makes you hate furries?

The bad actors in the community spoil it for everyone else.

That one furry who raped dead dogs? Yeah, he's why furries get shit on.

The one that walked around a con with a heavily soiled diaper? Yeah, he's why furries get shit on.

The one who was sexually harassing a girl in a coffee shop to the point where she went to r/legaladvice and started documenting it only to be fired by her incompetent manager? Yeah, he's why furries get shit on.

The ones that wanna wear their ears and tail out in public and be just weird and creepy people? Yeah, they're why furries get shit on.

I don't give two fucks what you jack or jill it too. You get turned on by anthropomorphic animal porn? You do you. Wanna build a fursuit and screw around with other consenting adults? Different folks, different strokes. But there's a line, carved deep and carved into stone about acceptable behavior in public and too many furries cross it time and time again.

"But those are individuals! You can't take the bad actions of individuals and use that to punish the whole!"

I know that. You know that. But here's the rub: John Q Public doesn't give a fuck. They hear about furry raping dead dogs and that label gets slapped on the whole community. Even if you argue it to their face and get them to admit that "It's not ALL furries" they are still going to say to themselves "Alright, which one is this one, a relatively normal one or another crazy fucker."

/r/AskReddit Thread