Husband uninterested in pregnancy resources/material. How to encourage without nagging

I'm not making myself sick at all. Im just asking for suggestions from people with similarly anxious partners to get them more involved. Not only would I simply just appreciate his involvement just so I dont feel like an incubator, but If hes panicking while I'm giving birth, I can't stop to give him my support like I normally do, although I will probably try. Him having a panic attack during my birth is going to actively harm both of us. He'll have to get kicked out of the room. Being prepared is for his own benefit. It's for my benefit so I can focus on myself. Hes going to be nervous no matter what, but if he starts preparing and gearing up for it now, he'll be less so. It's his nature.

Pregnancy is ruining its experience all on it's own for me. It's been godawful, so no worries on that front lmao.

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