The hypocrisy when it comes to the Ukraine situation makes me lose faith in humanity

War everywhere is a preventable evil don't get me wrong.


The war in the Middle East is a small foot note compared to what the war in Ukraine could be. The US invaded a country (the wrong country but besides the point) after a MASSIVE terrorist attack that changed the course of America history. Sure the region was already destabilized because the US and western powers. But realistically those countries don't matter. Yes millions of Middle Eastern lives were lost or displaced over decades of fighting (much of which wasn't even with the US). But that is nothing compared to Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine isn't fighting some desert insurgency or religious state that struggles to feed it's people. It's with Russia the world's leading NUCLEAR superpower. Russia has about 3,000 nuclear warheads more than any other country in the world. Once a nuclear country decides to invade a country attempting to join NATO... that's where things get more important than Syria or Iraq or who-gives-a-fuck-astan.

Sure lots of suffering happened in the Middle East. But the conflict in Ukraine could lead to World War 3. Putin has repeatedly spoke of invading other non-NATO countries including Moldova and Finland and even NATO countries like Poland. This would result in a Global conflict of unimaginable horrors. Even the very real possibility of nuclear weapons being used.

The casualties could very well be in the hundreds of millions.

I just thank god China has common sense. Things could have gone a lot worse if they supported or even joined Russia in the conflict.

/r/confessions Thread