I-5 Left Lane

I'm the slowest driver on the highway most of the time. My cruise control is set at 55 or 60 depending on whether I am in a hurry. I stay in the right lane most of the time. Every. Single. Car. that joins the highway reaches the lanes of travel at a slower speed than I am going. Every. Single. One of those. makes me hit the brakes as it comes at me from the side when the lanes combine. Then they pass me and speed up to catch whatever car they can see in the far left lane. "Merge" does not mean cars already in a lane of travel must find someplace to go to make way for you. If you join traffic from the right, by law you must find a way to synchromesh, as you do at a rotary or intersection. A driver's choice not to travel at the highest permitted speed (called the speed limit) is legal, safe, and economical. Anyone merging at less than my speed is probably breaking the lower speed limit for highways of 45 mph. Watch the downvotes of this post to see how hateful people are of the legal choice to travel without breaking the laws. Smh.

/r/oregon Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com