Oregon coast: Bears (bear spray?)

Oregonian who has lived in Vancouver and now resides on the Coast.

Knowing your cheapskate Canadian penchant for camping over shelling out for decent accommodation, I would suggest that you prepare to deal with bears. They root through garbage bins and will go through anything lying around that smells like food to them: that includes trash bags, coolers, backpacks and your tent - if you have so much as a protein bar or some spare fruit tucked away for a snack.

If you have a dog, make sure you pick up after them - the bears can smell the undigested particles of their over-rich diet in their droppings, and that will attract them as well.

If you don't believe me, I have plenty of clips from my security camera of bears hauling garbage bags all over my neighbourhood in the middle of the night - the same sharp claws that tear apart these bags can make short work of a tent.

They mostly come out at night, but in my town have been known to saunter across Highway 101 in the middle of the day. Mind you, that's something Canadians should be used to: I once had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting a juvenile black bear sitting in the middle of the TCH at noon just North of the Sault one Summer.

If they're hungry - or bold - enough, they'll chase around whenever they want. They're opportunists, after all.

/r/oregon Thread