If the alt right despises multiculturalism do they despise all minorities living there?

White people as a whole have been and always are racist.. so you do not exactly welcome asians. Your strategy should of been to allie with asians and asian wealth and privilege would flow into whites + asians. Why would asians team up with whites when you call us dog eaters and whatnot. We had only other asians to keep us afloat. Like there were times in America history that whites hung asians. Largest hanging was of the chinese. And then the korean la riots. Asians sort of know whats what.

Look at asia they like white people and treat them nicely. They treat everyone nice but they even give jobs to white people in asia to just pretend to be part of a board room meeting to show "fake multiculturalism".. they give teaching jobs to white people that are unqualified teachers just so asians become friendly with whites. They are prepping for the time that white people teach their kids chinese in America.. and then go over to China for opportunity.. they can't have whites cause a mutiny.. they have to make whites feel like it is their home, and then interbreed for a smooth transition to eradicate/assimilate them.. which is the key to a ethnostate.. if a person like me knows this then china knows this..

You just said you guys are nationalistic, collectivist, and don't give a fuck about other races. How is that good for us?

Since I have to tell you is the reason your people are fucked.. Your people don't even know strategy. If your people were smart you would of linked up with asians as a majority white + minority asian + minority half breed white/asian.. You would of had a minority that was conservative on your side to lure minorities over to the right. This is so basic to asian people to keep order. China has a lot of experience not just through war, but actually in keeping peace and keeping order aka ethnostate..

/r/DebateAltRight Thread Parent