Will normies get redpilled when....

Unfortunately, there's a very consistent trend since the 1960s liberal cultural revolution of White people allowing themselves to get racially dispossessed, of running away like cowards while creating non-racist reasons in their own minds for why they're running away, and even violently fighting pro-White activists like us that want to actively resist our racial dispossession.

My parents are a perfect example of this. My parents grew up in Flint and Detroit, Michigan during the 1950s and 1960s. Believe it or not, but both of those cities used to be very idyllic White communities. Tragically, the local White racists lost the battle in the 1940s to prevent black Americans from flooding into their communities. So, my parents lived to see their previously serene and economically prosperous White communities get turned into dangerous black ghettos that were plagued with very bloody and destructive black race riots.

Luckily, both of my parents came from wealthy White families and got great grades in school, and so they were able to attend a really prestigious law school where they first met and fell in love. And after they got their law degrees they were able to White Flight to a wealthy Northern Virginia suburb that was part of the larger Washington, D.C. area - which is where I was born and raised.

You'd think that my parents living through the process of their communities getting completely ruined by black people would red-pill the fuck out of them. But you'd be completely wrong. They're both life-long Democrats that would immediately disown me if they knew that I was a closeted Alt-Right White Nationalist and race realist.

You see the same thing with a lot of White South Africans. Their country was amazing under apartheid. And now South Africa is one of the most dangerous countries in the world after 1994. I met a White South African couple while I was vacationing in France that had been mugged several times by blacks in South Africa. Despite being constantly afraid for their safety when they're in South Africa, they still don't have a single racist bone in their body. If I would have told them that they're dangerously delusional retards for ignoring ugly truths about the consequences of black rule in South Africa, they probably would have gotten super fucking offended and told me off.

That's how blue-pilled the average White person is these days. They've lost their ability to think rationally about race. They'd literally rather die than admit that a certain level of White ethnocentrism is simply necessary if Whites want to maintain their highly advanced societies.

/r/DebateAltRight Thread