If appearance/body things don't matter why the fuck transition?

I mean we could go into an in depth conversation and argue about why biological sex/gender are social constructs or not but whatever, don’t think that’s the point

gender roles and expectations were badly worded, I don’t think some innate discomfort for say, your voice, or the way your body is in any way means you HAVE to identify as something you doctors assigned to you in any way, I literally could not make this more simple to understand, you don’t have to be a girl, or a boy or literally anything different than what you currently are because you hate the your body in regards to gender related aspects of it, it doesn’t make your feelings any less valid or different because you still want to use a certain pronoun and that entire idea can invalidate certain non-binary identities in ways

I know the basis of my gender is inherent, not socially constructed

You’re missing the point of what I was saying here, the concept of gender we have created within our society is socially constructed, your feelings, your identity and sense of self, is not. without the very existence of “genders”, everything you feel, the way you want to present would still be just as valid.

If you identify with cis people in that way, that's cool. But not all of us do or should be expected to

Again missing the point, the same feelings you are having are fully possible for someone to have without identifying with a different gender, what makes you what you identify as anyway? You feel that way so you are, you don’t need a masculine voice to be a dude or a feminine voice to be a girl, you don’t need a vagina to be a girl or a dick to be a dude, people just feel more comfortable with certain things and all of that is fine and valid, maybe I’m assigned female at birth, have dysphoric feelings about my genitals, want a dick, yet still like using she/her pronouns and being a girl, are my feelings suddenly worth less? No.

and that doesn't change the official definition of gender dysphoria - that it is a disconnect between your assigned gender at birth and your correct gender.

Well not too long ago gender dysphoria officially constituted a mental illness, I don’t give a fuck about the official definition

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