If you are disappointed... This video is for you

I feel the same way. 

Most of the "indie" content for Oculus is underwhelming. Only about 5% of the demos on Oculus Share are worth playing and even then, most of those are only worth running through once or twice. This is especially true for people who play most of the demos that come out of Share (like me). Very, very few of these experiences have gameplay that sustains them long term and when they do, the appeal is usually pretty limited. 

Native VR support in AAA games is mostly underwhelming with a few exceptions and the ones that do work are either pretty niche, require a lot of set up or both.

Lastly, none of the AAA native VR games built around VR have been released in any capacity yet. They also don't want/need DK2 testers nor are they even testing builds on the DK2 anymore as most (all?) of these developers already have Crescent Bays and Vive prototypes. Therefore, while I'm certain there are awesome VR-only games in the works, we won't get a taste of them until early next year. 

The thing is that I know that by this time next year, we'll have comfortable plug n' play VR that works flawlessly and has enough content for it almost replace 2D gaming for a lot of people. The only thing that is disappointing to me is that there isn't enough interesting things to do with my DK2 to warrant wearing it for more than a few hours a week. 

It's also hard to really get all the non-gamers in my life excited about the potential of VR when the currently available ecosystem of stuff for it doesn't do the greatest job at showing what it's capable of. 

Case in point, the only thing my wife really enjoyed were things like rollercoasters and her reaction was "meh" to most of the other experiences I showed her. When I showed her AltSpace VR, however, she immediately came to understand how important the social dimension of VR will be--which made me realize that there needs to be more stuff like this to get the message across.

I personally hope Oculus Share raises their standards soon. There is already enough quality stuff on it for them to start purging the crap. 

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